April 19, 2016

Don’t Wait for Struggle to Strike: 5 Signs You Need an Outsourced CFO

You know better than anyone how important your business financials are. Yet, many company owners still try to do everything themselves, including key financial processes and […]
February 6, 2016

What’s The Difference? CPA vs. CFO

As CFO’s for hire, often the hardest task we have, is to explain to business owners and networking contacts what exactly a CFO does and how […]
December 11, 2015

8 Common Misconceptions about CFO’s

  Barba CFO can provide the financial management that is necessary to run your small or medium-sized business. Our wide variety of services range from personalized […]
June 29, 2015

CFO For Hire – What The Heck Is That and Why Should You Care

    Barba CFO can provide the financial management that is necessary to run your small or medium-sized business. Our wide variety of services range from […]